PyTorch Models ============== In order to have more flexibility in the use of neural network models, these are directly assessible as `torch.nn.Module`, using the extensions `.model`, for example: .. code-block:: python >>> from cdt.causality.graph.model.CGNN to import the CGNN Pytorch model. The available models are the following: - CGNN - SAM - NCC - GNN - FSGNN .. currentmodule:: cdt.causality.graph.model CGNN ---- .. autoclass:: CGNN_model :members: SAM --- .. autoclass:: SAM_generators :members: .. autoclass:: SAM_discriminator :members: .. currentmodule:: cdt.causality.pairwise.model NCC --- .. autoclass:: NCC_model :members: GNN --- .. autoclass:: GNN_model :members: .. currentmodule:: cdt.independence.graph.model FSGNN ----- .. autoclass:: FSGNN_model :members: