Source code for cdt.causality.graph.bnlearn

"""BN learn algorithms.

Imported from the bnlearn package.
Author: Diviyan Kalainathan

.. MIT License
.. Copyright (c) 2018 Diviyan Kalainathan
.. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
.. of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
.. in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
.. to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
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import os
import uuid
import warnings
import networkx as nx
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import rmtree
from tempfile import gettempdir
from .model import GraphModel
from pandas import DataFrame, read_csv
from ...utils.R import RPackages, launch_R_script
from ...utils.Settings import SETTINGS

def message_warning(msg, *a, **kwargs):
    """Ignore everything except the message."""
    return str(msg) + '\n'

warnings.formatwarning = message_warning

[docs]class BNlearnAlgorithm(GraphModel): """BNlearn algorithm. All these models imported from bnlearn revolve around this base class and have all the same attributes/interface. Args: score (str):the label of the conditional independence test to be used in the algorithm. If none is specified, the default test statistic is the mutual information for categorical variables, the Jonckheere-Terpstra test for ordered factors and the linear correlation for continuous variables. See below for available tests. alpha (float): a numeric value, the target nominal type I error rate. beta (int): a positive integer, the number of permutations considered for each permutation test. It will be ignored with a warning if the conditional independence test specified by the score argument is not a permutation test. optim (bool): See bnlearn-package for details. verbose (bool): Sets the verbosity. Defaults to SETTINGS.verbose .. _bnlearntests: Available tests: • discrete case (categorical variables) – mutual information: an information-theoretic distance measure. It's proportional to the log-likelihood ratio (they differ by a 2n factor) and is related to the deviance of the tested models. The asymptotic χ2 test (mi and mi-adf, with adjusted degrees of freedom), the Monte Carlo permutation test (mc-mi), the sequential Monte Carlo permutation test (smc-mi), and the semiparametric test (sp-mi) are implemented. – shrinkage estimator for the mutual information (mi-sh) An improved asymptotic χ2 test based on the James-Stein estimator for the mutual information. – Pearson’s X2 : the classical Pearson's X2 test for contingency tables. The asymptotic χ2 test (x2 and x2-adf, with adjusted degrees of freedom), the Monte Carlo permutation test (mc-x2), the sequential Monte Carlo permutation test (smc-x2) and semiparametric test (sp-x2) are implemented . • discrete case (ordered factors) – Jonckheere-Terpstra : a trend test for ordinal variables. The asymptotic normal test (jt), the Monte Carlo permutation test (mc-jt) and the sequential Monte Carlo permutation test (smc-jt) are implemented. • continuous case (normal variables) – linear correlation: Pearson’s linear correlation. The exact Student’s t test (cor), the Monte Carlo permutation test (mc-cor) and the sequential Monte Carlo permutation test (smc-cor) are implemented. – Fisher’s Z: a transformation of the linear correlation with asymptotic normal distribution. Used by commercial software (such as TETRAD II) for the PC algorithm (an R implementation is present in the pcalg package on CRAN). The asymptotic normal test (zf), the Monte Carlo permutation test (mc-zf) and the sequential Monte Carlo permutation test (smc-zf) are implemented. – mutual information: an information-theoretic distance measure. Again it is proportional to the log-likelihood ratio (they differ by a 2n factor). The asymptotic χ2 test (mi-g), the Monte Carlo permutation test (mc-mi-g) and the sequential Monte Carlo permutation test (smc-mi-g) are implemented. – shrinkage estimator for the mutual information(mi-g-sh): an improved asymptotic χ2 test based on the James-Stein estimator for the mutual information. • hybrid case (mixed discrete and normal variables) – mutual information: an information-theoretic distance measure. Again it is proportional to the log-likelihood ratio (they differ by a 2n factor). Only the asymptotic χ2 test (mi-cg) is implemented. """ def __init__(self, score='NULL', alpha=0.05, beta='NULL', optim=False, verbose=None): """Init the model.""" if not RPackages.bnlearn: raise ImportError("R Package bnlearn is not available.") super(BNlearnAlgorithm, self).__init__() self.arguments = {'{FOLDER}': '/tmp/cdt_bnlearn/', '{FILE}': os.sep + 'data.csv', '{SKELETON}': 'FALSE', '{ALGORITHM}': None, '{WHITELIST}': os.sep + 'whitelist.csv', '{BLACKLIST}': os.sep + 'blacklist.csv', '{SCORE}': 'NULL', '{OPTIM}': 'FALSE', '{ALPHA}': '0.05', '{BETA}': 'NULL', '{VERBOSE}': 'FALSE', '{OUTPUT}': os.sep + 'result.csv'} self.score = score self.alpha = alpha self.beta = beta self.optim = optim self.verbose = SETTINGS.get_default(verbose=verbose)
[docs] def orient_undirected_graph(self, data, graph): """Run the algorithm on an undirected graph. Args: data (pandas.DataFrame): DataFrame containing the data graph (networkx.Graph): Skeleton of the graph to orient Returns: networkx.DiGraph: Solution on the given skeleton. """ # Building setup w/ arguments. self.arguments['{VERBOSE}'] = str(self.verbose).upper() self.arguments['{SCORE}'] = self.score self.arguments['{BETA}'] = str(self.beta) self.arguments['{OPTIM}'] = str(self.optim).upper() self.arguments['{ALPHA}'] = str(self.alpha) cols = list(data.columns) data.columns = [i for i in range(data.shape[1])] mapping = {j: i for i, j in zip(['X' + str(i) for i in range(data.shape[1])], cols)} graph2 = nx.relabel_nodes(graph, mapping) whitelist = DataFrame(list(nx.edges(graph2)), columns=["from", "to"]) blacklist = DataFrame(list(nx.edges(nx.DiGraph(DataFrame(-nx.adj_matrix(graph2, weight=None).todense() + 1, columns=list(graph2.nodes()), index=list(graph2.nodes()))))), columns=["from", "to"]) results = self._run_bnlearn(data, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, verbose=self.verbose) try: return nx.relabel_nodes(nx.DiGraph(results), {idx: i for idx, i in enumerate(cols)}) except nx.exception.NetworkXError as e: if results.shape[1] == 2: output = nx.DiGraph() output.add_nodes_from(['X' + str(i) for i in range(data.shape[1])]) output.add_edges_from(results) return nx.relabel_nodes(output, {i: j for i, j in zip(['X' + str(i) for i in range(data.shape[1])], cols)}) else: raise e
[docs] def orient_directed_graph(self, data, graph): """Run the algorithm on a directed_graph. Args: data (pandas.DataFrame): DataFrame containing the data graph (networkx.DiGraph): Skeleton of the graph to orient Returns: networkx.DiGraph: Solution on the given skeleton. .. warning:: The algorithm is ran on the skeleton of the given graph. """ warnings.warn("The algorithm is ran on the skeleton of the given graph.") return self.orient_undirected_graph(data, nx.Graph(graph))
[docs] def create_graph_from_data(self, data): """Run the algorithm on data. Args: data (pandas.DataFrame): DataFrame containing the data Returns: networkx.DiGraph: Solution given by the algorithm. """ # Building setup w/ arguments. self.arguments['{SCORE}'] = self.score self.arguments['{VERBOSE}'] = str(self.verbose).upper() self.arguments['{BETA}'] = str(self.beta) self.arguments['{OPTIM}'] = str(self.optim).upper() self.arguments['{ALPHA}'] = str(self.alpha) cols = list(data.columns) data2 = data.copy() data2.columns = [i for i in range(data.shape[1])] results = self._run_bnlearn(data2, verbose=self.verbose) graph = nx.DiGraph() graph.add_nodes_from(['X' + str(i) for i in range(data.shape[1])]) graph.add_edges_from(results) return nx.relabel_nodes(graph, {i: j for i, j in zip(['X' + str(i) for i in range(data.shape[1])], cols)})
def _run_bnlearn(self, data, whitelist=None, blacklist=None, verbose=True): """Setting up and running bnlearn with all arguments.""" # Run the algorithm self.arguments['{FOLDER}'] = Path('{0!s}/cdt_bnlearn_{1!s}/'.format(gettempdir(), uuid.uuid4())) run_dir = self.arguments['{FOLDER}'] os.makedirs(run_dir, exist_ok=True) def retrieve_result(): return read_csv(Path('{}/result.csv'.format(run_dir)), delimiter=',').values try: data.to_csv(Path('{}/data.csv'.format(run_dir)), index=False) if blacklist is not None: blacklist.to_csv(Path('{}/blacklist.csv'.format(run_dir)), index=False, header=False) self.arguments['{E_BLACKL}'] = 'TRUE' else: self.arguments['{E_BLACKL}'] = 'FALSE' if whitelist is not None: whitelist.to_csv(Path('{}/whitelist.csv'.format(run_dir)), index=False, header=False) self.arguments['{E_WHITEL}'] = 'TRUE' else: self.arguments['{E_WHITEL}'] = 'FALSE' bnlearn_result = launch_R_script(Path("{}/R_templates/bnlearn.R".format(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))), self.arguments, output_function=retrieve_result, verbose=verbose) # Cleanup except Exception as e: rmtree(run_dir) raise e except KeyboardInterrupt: rmtree(run_dir) raise KeyboardInterrupt rmtree(run_dir) return bnlearn_result
[docs]class GS(BNlearnAlgorithm): """Grow-Shrink algorithm. **Description:** The Grow Shrink algorithm is a constraint based algorithm to recover bayesian networks. It consists in two phases, one growing phase in which nodes are added to the markov blanket based on conditional independence and a shrinking phase in which most irrelevant nodes are removed. **Required R packages**: bnlearn **Data Type:** Depends on the test used. Check :ref:`here <bnlearntests>` for the list of available tests. **Assumptions:** GS outputs a CPDAG, with additional assumptions depending on the conditional test used. .. note:: Margaritis D (2003). Learning Bayesian Network Model Structure from Data . Ph.D. thesis, School of Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. Available as Technical Report CMU-CS-03-153 Example: >>> import networkx as nx >>> from cdt.causality.graph import GS >>> from import load_dataset >>> data, graph = load_dataset("sachs") >>> obj = GS() >>> #The predict() method works without a graph, or with a >>> #directed or undirected graph provided as an input >>> output = obj.predict(data) #No graph provided as an argument >>> >>> output = obj.predict(data, nx.Graph(graph)) #With an undirected graph >>> >>> output = obj.predict(data, graph) #With a directed graph >>> >>> #To view the graph created, run the below commands: >>> nx.draw_networkx(output, font_size=8) >>> """ def __init__(self): """Init the model.""" super(GS, self).__init__() self.arguments['{ALGORITHM}'] = 'gs'
[docs]class IAMB(BNlearnAlgorithm): """IAMB algorithm. **Description:** The is a bayesian constraint based algorithm to recover Markov blankets in a forward selection and a modified backward selection process. **Required R packages**: bnlearn **Data Type:** Depends on the test used. Check :ref:`here <bnlearntests>` for the list of available tests. **Assumptions:** IAMB outputs Markov blankets of nodes, with additional assumptions depending on the conditional test used. .. note:: Tsamardinos I, Aliferis CF, Statnikov A (2003). "Algorithms for Large Scale Markov Blanket Discovery". In "Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference", pp. 376-381. AAAI Press. Example: >>> import networkx as nx >>> from cdt.causality.graph import IAMB >>> from import load_dataset >>> data, graph = load_dataset("sachs") >>> obj = IAMB() >>> #The predict() method works without a graph, or with a >>> #directed or undirected graph provided as an input >>> output = obj.predict(data) #No graph provided as an argument >>> >>> output = obj.predict(data, nx.Graph(graph)) #With an undirected graph >>> >>> output = obj.predict(data, graph) #With a directed graph >>> >>> #To view the graph created, run the below commands: >>> nx.draw_networkx(output, font_size=8) >>> """ def __init__(self): """Init the model.""" super(IAMB, self).__init__() self.arguments['{ALGORITHM}'] = 'iamb'
[docs]class Fast_IAMB(BNlearnAlgorithm): """Fast IAMB algorithm. **Description:** Similar to IAMB, Fast-IAMB adds speculation to provide more computational performance without affecting the accuracy of markov blanket recovery. **Required R packages**: bnlearn **Data Type:** Depends on the test used. Check :ref:`here <bnlearntests>` for the list of available tests. **Assumptions:** Fast-IAMB outputs markov blankets of nodes, with additional assumptions depending on the conditional test used. .. note:: Yaramakala S, Margaritis D (2005). "Speculative Markov Blanket Discovery for Optimal Feature Selection". In "ICDM ’05: Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining", pp. 809-812. IEEE Computer Society. Example: >>> import networkx as nx >>> from cdt.causality.graph import Fast_IAMB >>> from import load_dataset >>> data, graph = load_dataset("sachs") >>> obj = Fast_IAMB() >>> #The predict() method works without a graph, or with a >>> #directed or undirected graph provided as an input >>> output = obj.predict(data) #No graph provided as an argument >>> >>> output = obj.predict(data, nx.Graph(graph)) #With an undirected graph >>> >>> output = obj.predict(data, graph) #With a directed graph >>> >>> #To view the graph created, run the below commands: >>> nx.draw_networkx(output, font_size=8) >>> """ def __init__(self): """Init the model.""" super(Fast_IAMB, self).__init__() self.arguments['{ALGORITHM}'] = 'fast.iamb'
[docs]class Inter_IAMB(BNlearnAlgorithm): """Interleaved IAMB algorithm. **Description:** Similar to IAMB, Interleaved-IAMB has a progressive forward selection minimizing false positives. **Required R packages**: bnlearn **Data Type:** Depends on the test used. Check :ref:`here <bnlearntests>` for the list of available tests. **Assumptions:** Inter-IAMB outputs markov blankets of nodes, with additional assumptions depending on the conditional test used. .. note:: Yaramakala S, Margaritis D (2005). "Speculative Markov Blanket Discovery for Optimal Feature Selection". In "ICDM ’05: Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International Conference on Data Min- ing", pp. 809-812. IEEE Computer Society. Example: >>> import networkx as nx >>> from cdt.causality.graph import Inter_IAMB >>> from import load_dataset >>> data, graph = load_dataset("sachs") >>> obj = Inter_IAMB() >>> #The predict() method works without a graph, or with a >>> #directed or undirected graph provided as an input >>> output = obj.predict(data) #No graph provided as an argument >>> >>> output = obj.predict(data, nx.Graph(graph)) #With an undirected graph >>> >>> output = obj.predict(data, graph) #With a directed graph >>> >>> #To view the graph created, run the below commands: >>> nx.draw_networkx(output, font_size=8) >>> """ def __init__(self): """Init the model.""" super(Inter_IAMB, self).__init__() self.arguments['{ALGORITHM}'] = 'inter.iamb'
[docs]class MMPC(BNlearnAlgorithm): """Max-Min Parents-Children algorithm. **Description:** The Max-Min Parents-Children (MMPC) is a 2-phase algorithm with a forward pass and a backward pass. The forward phase adds recursively the variables that possess the highest association with the target conditionally to the already selected variables. The backward pass tests d-separability of variables conditionally to the set and subsets of the selected variables. **Required R packages**: bnlearn **Data Type:** Depends on the test used. Check :ref:`here <bnlearntests>` for the list of available tests. **Assumptions:** MMPC outputs markov blankets of nodes, with additional assumptions depending on the conditional test used. .. note:: Tsamardinos I, Aliferis CF, Statnikov A (2003). "Time and Sample Efficient Discovery of Markov Blankets and Direct Causal Relations". In "KDD ’03: Proceedings of the Ninth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining", pp. 673-678. ACM. Tsamardinos I, Brown LE, Aliferis CF (2006). "The Max-Min Hill-Climbing Bayesian Network Structure Learning Algorithm". Machine Learning,65(1), 31-78. Example: >>> import networkx as nx >>> from cdt.causality.graph import MMPC >>> from import load_dataset >>> data, graph = load_dataset("sachs") >>> obj = MMPC() >>> #The predict() method works without a graph, or with a >>> #directed or undirected graph provided as an input >>> output = obj.predict(data) #No graph provided as an argument >>> >>> output = obj.predict(data, nx.Graph(graph)) #With an undirected graph >>> >>> output = obj.predict(data, graph) #With a directed graph >>> >>> #To view the graph created, run the below commands: >>> nx.draw_networkx(output, font_size=8) >>> """ def __init__(self): """Init the model.""" super(MMPC, self).__init__() self.arguments['{ALGORITHM}'] = 'mmpc'